Simplified 24 Posture Form of Taijiquan

The movements of the 24 Form Taijiquan (AKA Tai Chi Ch’uan), which was developed by the Chinese Sports Committee in 1956. It is also known as the Simplified, Contemporary, Beijing, or Wushu Tai Chi 24 Form.

This simplified form emphasizes exercise over martial arts applications, making it a good form to learn for beginners who would like to “try out” Tai Chi before diving into the traditional Yang Style forms.

This is possibly the most widely-practiced Tai Chi form in the world.

This external video is posted here to help current students remember the moves while practicing at home. Please remember that you do not have to do your stances as deep or low, or kick as high, as shown in this video:

The 24 Posture Form

  1. Commencing
    (Qǐ shì, 起势)
  2. Part the Wild Horse’s Mane (3x; left, right, left)
    (Yě mǎ Fēn zōng, 左右野马分鬃)
  3. White Crane Spreads Its Wings
    (Bái hè Lìang chì, 白鹤亮翅)
  4. Brush Knee and Step Forward (3x; right hand, left hand, right hand)
    (Lōu xī Ào bù, 左右搂膝拗步)
  5. Strum the Lute
    (Shǒu hūi Pí pā, 手挥琵琶)
  6. Step Back and Repulse Monkey (4x; right, left, right, left)
    (Dǎo niǎn hóu 倒攆猴)
  7. Left Grasp Sparrow’s Tail
    (Zuǒ Lǎn Què Wěi, 左揽雀尾)
    Ward Off (Bīng, 掤)
    Rollback (, 捋)
    Press (Jǐ, 擠)
    Push (Àn, 按)
  8. Right Grasp Sparrow’s Tail
    (Yòu Lǎn què wěi, 右揽雀尾)
  9. Single Whip
    (Dān biān, 单鞭)
  10. Wave Hands Like Clouds (3x)
    (Yún shǒu, 云手)
  11. Single Whip
    (Dān biān, 单鞭)
  12. High Pat on Horse
    (Gāo tàn , 高探马)
  13. Right Heel Kick
    (Yòu dēng jiǎo, 右蹬脚)
  14. Strike to Ears with Both Fists
    (Shuāng fēng guàn ěr, 双峰贯耳)
  15. Turn Body and Left Heel Kick
    (Zhuǎn shēn zuǒ dēng jiǎo, 转身左蹬脚)
  16. Left Snake Creeps Down to Golden Rooster Stands on One Leg
    (Zuǒ Xià shì dúlì, 左下势独立)
  17. Right Lower Body and Stand on One Leg
    (Yòu Xià shì dúlì, 右下势独立)
  18. Fair Lady Plays the Shuttles
    (Yù nǚ chuān suō, 右左玉女穿梭)
  19. Needle at Sea Bottom
    (Hǎi dǐ zhēn, 海底针)
  20. Fan Through Back
    (Shǎn tōng , 闪通臂)
  21. Turn Body, Deflect, Parry, and Punch
    (Zhuǎn shēn Bān lán chuí, 转身搬拦捶)
  22. Apparent Close
    (Rú fēng shì bì, 如封似闭)
  23. Cross Hands
    (Shí zì shǒu, 十字手)
  24. Closing
    (Shōu shì, 收势)
Instructor Stephen Bay was certified in the 24 Forms in 2002.