Based on the criteria set forth by the Northwest Tai Chi Ch’uan Association, teaching certification has a two-part test, written and practical. Students must have the minimum training hours before testing.
- A written test that covers the theoretical and historical information. There will be only one best answer. The test will be based on Tai Chi Ch’uan. This information is included in the class handouts, Tai Chi Fist website, and Grandmaster Tchoung Ta-Tchen’s textbook, The Annotated Theoretical And Practical Tai Chi Chuan. The test is based on this material and not material coming from other martial art schools, which may or may not be factual or relevant to our style. Terminology, basic Chinese transliteration, and definitions should be studied. Tests are not returned to students, who will be notified of their scores. 80% correct is passing.
- After passing the written test, a practical test on forms, pushing hands, and applications of the forms as appropriate for the level.
- Qualification hours—the required classroom hours are listed but it is expected that the student practice on their own regularly in addition to the classroom hours. Candidates are responsible for maintaining their own records and proof of hours and training. Submit that proof of hours at the time of testing.
Anyone who wants to be an assistant instructor or instructor should understand the material and techniques of their level. Those who are testing for form only will only take the form test and they will be given a special certificate.
Testing levels are as follows and subject to change without notice.
- Level One: Section 1 of the Dual Symmetrical Yang Style Form and Emei Qigong Form AKA Grandmaster Tchoung’s 24 Methods of Breathing and Relaxation. Three standing meditation exercises. Two basic pushing hands drills. Forty (40) class hours (all hours are additive and minimum requirements). Written multiple choice test.
- Level Two: Sections 2 and 3. Perform five applications of the form. Two pushing hands drills. Forty (40) additional classroom hours. Essay Test.
- Level Three: Sections 4 and 5 and ability to do all previous material. Perform 5 applications and 2 additional pushing hands drills. Fifty (50) additional class hours. Essay test.
- Level Four: Section 6 and basic free push hands. Demonstrate three basic qin-na (joint locks). Demonstrate yielding in pushing hands. Fifty (50) class additional hours. Essay Test.
- Level Five: Section 7 and Section 8, solo and with a partner, basic free hands, intermediate level free pushing hands. Demonstrate ward-off energy. Fifty (50) additional class hours. Class teaching of applications.
- Level Six: Section 9, advanced free pushing hands and da-lu. Free hands, five qin-na applications. Three prearranged sparring drills. Demonstrate fa-jin striking energy. One hundred (100) class hours with a portion of that acting as teaching assistant or class leader. Class teaching of applications.
- Level Seven (Instructor): Weapons: broadsword (dao) partner form, straight sword (jian) form, walking stick form, two stick drills, basic exercises, free hands, all pushing hands drills, da-lu. Ten (10) qin-na techniques. Free Sparring. Advanced pushing hands or 6 points in competition. 200 class hours, 50 teaching hours.
Testing is currently done every few years with Sifu Kurland at UC Riverside.