Forms and Exercises

These are the Yang Style Tai Chi Ch’uan forms and exercises taught in our classes. (Current students will receive a password to access individual pages.)


Empty Hand Solo Forms

The Simplified 24 Posture Form of Yang Style Tai Chi

Also known as the Contemporary or Wushu version of Yang Style Taijiquan, this form was created in 1956 by the Chinese Sports Committee to make Tai Chi easier to learn for beginners while still offering the health benefits of traditional forms. This is the form taught to beginners in the Level 1 class.

The Traditional Yang Style Long Form

The original form is also known as the 108 Long Form. In our style, Grandmaster Tchoung divided the long form into six sections and modified it to work out both sides of the body, calling this the “Dual Symmetrical” form.

The Tai Chi San Shou Form

This is the San Shou partner sparring form of great-grandmaster Hsiung Yang Ho AKA Xióng Yǎnghé (熊養和), who taught the form to Grandmaster Tchoung Ta Tchen.

The moves of this form, which involve pushing, neutralizing, controlling, and attacking, are based on Tai Chi theories of “sticking” to the opponent, maintaining constant contact.

This two-part form is known as Sections 7 and 8 in our system.

Grandmaster Tchoung’s Fast Form

Grandmaster Tchoung Ta-Tchen developed this fast form, which is known as Section 9 in our system.

This form integrates techniques from Yang style Tai Chi Ch’uan, Xingyi Quan, and Ziranmen (Natural Style Boxing), which Grandmaster Tchoung learned from Xiong Jianyuan as a young man.

Unlike Sections 1–6, Section 9 is performed energetically, with speed and fajin power, while still remaining fluid and relaxed.

Tai Chi Weapons Forms

  • Yang Style Tai Chi Jian Straight Sword Form
    The jian, or straight, double-edged sword, is the premier weapon of Tai Chi Ch’uan. With its refined sweeps and cuts, the jian is the weapon of an officer or scholar whereas the dao, or saber/broadsword, is the chopping and hacking instrument of the foot soldier.

    This form is also known as the 13 Posture Sword Form, the 13 Energies Sword Form, or the 13 Dynamics Sword Form, based on the 13 basic dynamics of Tai Chi Straight Sword.
Stephen Bay (left) with Sifu Harvey Kurland (right) in 2019.
Stephen Bay (left) with Sifu Harvey Kurland (right) at a walking stick workshop in 2019.
